
Happy Birthday Anne!

Monday 22nd July 2019

It's an important birthday for one of our managers.... Anne turns 50 this week! So Happy Birthday from everyone at TLC Anne, have a great day!

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Burst Water Main In Tattenhall - TLC take bottled water to our service users.

Tuesday 12th June 2018

A burst water main in Tattenhall has left many of our service users without water! To ensure that our service users have access to drinking water throughout the day, we purchased bottled water that Alyson and Anne then distributed to those that were affected. It is…

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Cheshire Living Well, Dying Well Partnership Ambassador

Tuesday 15th May 2018

Mark attended a training programme hosted by the Cheshire Living Well, Dying Well Partnership. The purpose of the course was to induct new Community Ambassadors in to the programme so that they can go on to enable, inspire and empower people to think about, talk about and take action in relation to life, age, death and loss. The course was very interesting, attended by a wide array of people with many different experiences, which were…

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Cycling Down Dementia

Thursday 9th November 2017

TLC has sponsored Adrian Morris who is undertaking the challenge of Cycling Down Dementia. The challenge consists of cycling a total of 1000 miles over the next couple of months and raising funds for Alzheimer's Research UK to help fund life-changing dementia research. One in three children born today will develop dementia in their lifetime and the only way to beat dementia is through research. Adrian has made a great start to both reaching his target of £150 and of 1000 miles. We wish him all the very best! If you wish to sponsor Adrian you can find out…

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#DementiaDo Training Session

Monday 30th October 2017

Last week the team attended a great training session organised by TLC and led by Andy Tysoe from #DementiaDo. Andy was formerly a dementia specialist at the Countess of Chester hospital and gave us an amazing insight in to the disease and how…

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First Aid Training

Friday 29th September 2017

Jim from Fire Safe 999 came to the office to provide some First Aid training to some of the team. It was an excellent training course, enjoyed by everyone and provided us with some great skills! Earlier in the day, Mark and Anne Jones had undertaken some 'train the trainer' training also provided by Jim. They are both looking to be able to provide bespoke moving and handling training to the team once they have completed all the sessions.

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New Website

Wednesday 27th September 2017

Our new website is now live! Welcome to our new website. We have been working closely with the team at Webfactory to update our website and make it…

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